Our parish operates as any of the parish in Eastern tradition incorporating all feasible activities and initiatives:

  1. The weekly masses in Syro Malabar liturgy builds us as a Eucharist centred community.
  2. Our catechism classes impart our faith traditions and liturgical culture, which are essential ingredients in shaping the life of our children.
  3. The four family units in our parish provide us with a platform for sharing our faith at a personal level in smaller groups and in being
  4. a truly participatory church. Entrusting the Sunday liturgy to each of the units in turn has been bearing much fruits as it facilitated active participation of the entire community especially of children, youth and adults in Sunday mass.
  5. The yearly feast in the parish has been privileged moments of grace and occasions for embedding our faith into the fabric of our lives and that of our community.
  6. There are other regular devotional practices that we have been following with utmost dedication:
  7. Celebration of saints each units named after,
  8. Coming together for station of the cross during lent in families ,  
  9. Regular rosaries in family unites, during the month of October.

We have also undertaken activities that bolsters integration such as:
a) “Awakening” 50 days of perpetual Eucharistic adoration initiated by Jesus youth in 2009 and the following years;
b) 101 days perpetual Eucharistic adoration initiated and organised by parishioners of mother of God being a motivation and witness to other Catholics in and around Leicester.